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"Made to love" by John Legend: INCREDIBLE!

Hello, beautiful people!

I'm back with another video. As I promised, I chose John Legend this time and let me tell you I've listened to his music before but never saw a video. I chose "Made to love" because I loved the song since I first heard of it. So here we go:

First of all I must say the lyrics go perfectly with the topic of the video. People making love and losing themselves while they are into it. The song fits perfect to what they wanted to represent. 
When we start to love everything seems clear and on focus, right? Well, they did show us this:

The color of the skins and the background fit perfectly, we get lost in the actions and not the colors exactly. As we keep going and falling even more in love we to experience different things, we find ourselves in a distorted world:

And we even get to feel in different colors and forms:

We might get caught in a dark place:

But eventually everything should get into place until we find pure peace. At least that's what this music video made me think of. We start in a calm place until we reach the darkest place and suddenly we are all in peace again. With an exploding ending though.
I also loved the fact that they put on carnation flowers in the video just as the ones that are in the album cover:

Anyway... I think that is all for this video. I've been really busy with school and stuff but I'll be back soon. I hope.


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