As I promised... I'm bringing you today a short analyze of a music video. Blake Shelton's to be exact... HERE IT GOES:
Usually, music videos are more about what the song says and what the artist wants to show than what the director and photographer want and of course this is not an exception. What I mean is that it is pretty difficult to find something more into the audiovisual messages than the lyrical meaning but this choice IS NOT WRONG.Let me tell you this video is just so adorable and cute. First of all we have Blake's wife saying lovely things about him and the quality or the focus or whatever doesn't matter because it is a home video and what she says is the main thing we should pay attention to...
After that we can see the photography is pretty steady. The one thing they play a little during the video is the color of the scene.
We can see the waitress in a gray, dull kind of scenario. The edge is a bit dark and they even added the rain to make it sad:
But when see her with her daughter we have more light and a warm feeling because of the orange/yellow light:
When we see the kid walking all by himself he seems sad and the school is white and gray with the edge again a bit dark:
When he is with the girl there's more light and they change the gray for blue:
BUT when we get to the paramedic we see that the accident is between black and oranges, indicating danger:
And when the man is safe we get to see a smile in a green color indicating life:
And it is because of the situations that we find it incredibly LOVELY. The colors help us to get a bit more into the story but there's nothing else. No differences in the focuses, not a difference in the way the scene moves around nor the levels... But it is still a cute, adorable, lovely, sweet video.
This is a basic analysis so if you see anything else you are more than welcome to leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts...
Thanks for reading! See you next time! BYE!
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